Solar Panels Cost in Ireland – SPV Energy

Discover how our solar panels can lower your energy bills and provide excellent returns. Learn about solar panels cost and return in Ireland.

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Prices for Our Different Solar Panel Systems

Price Before Grant

SEAI Grant

Cost After Grant

8 x 435W Panels


10 x 435W Panels


12 x 435W Panels


14 x 435W Panels


16 x 435W Panels


18 x 435W Panels


Note: these figures are ballpark estimates. Final costing will be provided after a desktop and site survey to ensure compliance with Safe Electric standards. Installation may require additional electrical upgrades.

Solar Costs And Performance For Different Size Of House

Recommended Array Size


Cost Before Grant

SEAI Grant

Cost After Grant

Solar Array Size (kWp)

Payback Period (Years)

Two-Bedroom Terraced House

8 x 435W Jinko Solar Panels
Solis Dual String Inverter, Eddi Hot Water Diverter

Three-Bedroom Semi-Detached House

10 x 435W Jinko Solar Panels
Solis String Inverter, Eddi Hot Water Diverter

Three-Bedroom Semi-Detached House (Large)

12 x 435W Jinko Solar Panels
Solis String Inverter, Eddi Hot Water Diverter

Four-Bedroom Detached House

14 x 435W Jinko Solar Panels
Solis String Inverter, Eddi Hot Water Diverter

Four-Bedroom Detached House (Larger)

16 x 435W Jinko Solar Panels
Solis String Inverter, Eddi Hot Water Diverter

Four-Bedroom Detached House (Largest)

18 x 435W Jinko Solar Panels
Solis String Inverter, Eddi Hot Water Diverter

Note: these figures are ballpark estimates. Final costing will be provided after a desktop and site survey to ensure compliance with Safe Electric standards. Installation may require additional electrical upgrades.

Additional Returns on Solar Panels


Lower Energy Costs

By generating your own electricity, you reduce reliance on the grid and save up to 70% on monthly energy bills.


Environmental Impact

Installing solar panels significantly cuts your carbon footprint. A typical home solar system can offset around 100 tons of CO2 over 20 years.


Feed-in Tariffs and Net Metering

Sell excess energy back to the grid, reducing your energy costs and generating income.


Long-Term Savings

Benefit from virtually free electricity for 25+ years, long after the initial investment is recovered.


Government Incentives

The SEAI grant lowers initial installation costs, making solar energy more affordable.


Increased Property Value

Boost your home’s market value with solar panels.

battery warranty coverage home

Our Battery and Warranty Coverage

At SPV Energy, we ensure that all the components of our solar panel systems are of the highest quality and come with comprehensive warranties to give you peace of mind.

Battery Information

PureDrive Battery : We use PureDrive batteries, which come with a 10-year or 10,000 cycles warranty.

Warranty Information

Panels : 25-year warranty (regardless if we change panels we will always go with one with a 25 year warranty and we only ever use mono-crystalline panels).
Inverter : 5-year warranty.
Eddi Hot Water Diverter: 3-year warranty.
PureDrive Battery: 10 years / 10,000 cycles warranty.

We also offer other components with the following warranties:

Zappi: 3-year warranty.
Huawei Inverter: 5-year warranty.
Huawei Battery: 10 years / 6000 cycles warranty.
MyEnergi Libbi Inverter and Controller: 5-year warranty.
MyEnergi Libbi Battery: 10 years for the battery pack with unlimited cycles as long as the MyEnergi controller manages the entire system. If connected to a third-party system or operated manually, the warranty will expire after 3MWh/per kWh usable capacity has been reached.

For any specific warranty details or further information, feel free to contact us.

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Few Words From Our Happy Clients

How SPV Energy Determines the Right Solar System Size for Your Home?


Analysing Your Energy Consumption

Review of your past year’s electricity bills.

Evaluating Solar Potential

Assess roof size, orientation, shade, and local climate.

Sizing the Solar System

Calculate the appropriate system size based on energy use and solar potential.

Planning for Future Energy Needs

Account for any future increases in energy use.

Assessing Financial Goals and Incentives

Evaluate the return on investment and payback period.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much do solar panels cost in Ireland?

The cost varies based on system size. For example, an 8-panel system costs €6827 before the SEAI grant, while an 18-panel system costs €9276 before the SEAI grant.

What is the average return on investment for solar panels?

The average return on investment (ROI) for solar panels in Ireland is typically within 3-6 years. Efficient systems and energy consumption patterns can enhance these returns.

Are there any government incentives for installing solar panels in Ireland?

Yes, the Irish government offers the SEAI grant, which can reduce initial costs by up to €2100.

How long do solar panels last and what are their warranties?

Solar panels usually last 25-30 years. Our panels come with a 25-year warranty. The Eddi Hot Water Diverter has a 3-year warranty, and the Solis Inverter has a 5-year warranty, extendable to 10 years

How do different solar panel systems compare in cost?

A system with 10 x 435W Jinko Solar Panels costs €7295 before the SEAI grant, reducing to €5195 after the grant. Larger systems have higher upfront costs but generate more savings over time.

What are the benefits of solar panels beyond cost savings?

Beyond lowering your electricity bills, solar panels reduce your carbon footprint, increase your home’s value, provide energy independence, and protect against rising energy costs.

Looking for Energy Savings? Contact SPV Energy to Maximise Solar Return!

Investing in solar panels can significantly reduce your energy expenses and promote sustainability. By utilising our thorough process to determine the ideal system size, we ensure you maximise efficiency and financial returns.
Don’t let high energy costs burden you any longer. Discover the true potential of solar panels cost and return in Ireland. Contact SPV Energy today to start enjoying significant energy savings and environmental benefits.
Call us or fill out our contact form—and we promise to get back to you within 2-4 hours. If you need immediate assistance, our lines are open for your call.

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